The Pygmy Owl — Spokane Audubon Society

The Pygmy Owl - March 2021

The Pygmy Owl - March 2021

March Program: Hawkwatching in Texas, by RJ Baltierra

Membership Report, by Alan McCoy

Spring birding festivals have gone “virtual”, by Madonna Luers

Field Notes, compiled by Jon Isacoff

Member Profile: Jim Acton, by Madonna Luers

Spokane Audubon Calendar Photograph Contest Guidelines

Spokane Audubon Society Constitution and Bylaws Review

Seeking Members to Serve on the Spokane Audubon Board of Directors

Clean out those nest boxes, by Madonna Luers

Raptors, by David Ringer

The Pygmy Owl - February 2021

The Pygmy Owl - February 2021

February Program: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter, by Ben Goldfarb

Membership Report, by Alan McCoy

Simple Actions to Help Birds

Field Notes, compiled by Jon Isacoff

The Great Backyard Bird Count

Member Profile: Marian and Russell Frobe, by Madonna Luers

Report From Seney National Wildlife Refuge

American Bird Conservancy Bird of the Week: Merlin

The Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis)

Coeur d’Alene Audubon Society Field Trip

The Pygmy Owl - January 2021

The Pygmy Owl - January 2021

January Program: “Much Ado About Mothing”, by Susan Mulvihill and Carl Barrantine

Membership Report, by Alan McCoy

Member Profile: Norma Trefry, by Madonna Luers

The Great Backyard Bird Count

Field Notes, compiled by Jon Isacoff

Keep those winter bird feeders clean, by Madonna Luers

Diseases to watch for at bird feeding stations, by Madonna Luers

American Bird Conservancy Bird of the Week: Tundra Swan

American Bird Association: Code of Birding Ethics

Contact your state legislators about our 2021 conservation priorities, by Madonna Luers

The Pygmy Owl - December 2020

The Pygmy Owl - December 2020

December Program: A Dead Tree’s Excellent Adventure: The Ecology of Dead Wood, by Ken Bevis

Membership Report, by Alan McCoy

Field Notes, compiled by Jon Isacoff

Fire in the Shrub Steppe Wildland Urban Interface Webinar Series

Huge decline in abundance of life on earth

Skeletons on the Hill, by Ken Bevis

Little King: Ruby-crowned Kinglet, American Bird Conservancy Bird of the Week

Help Provide Stronger Safeguards for the Greater Sage-Grouse

You Can Save Birds From Flying Into Windows

Christmas Bird Count During a Pandemic, by Alan McCoy

Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamps

2020 Field Trips During a Pandemic

The Pygmy Owl - November 2020

The Pygmy Owl - November 2020

November Program: The Worst Labor Day Fire Ever: Shrub-Steppe, Wildfire, and Wildlife, by Kim Thorburn

Donate to restore habitat for threatened prairie grouse lost to wildfire, by Madonna Luers

How to get your 2021 calendar

Lindell Haggin honored as Helen Engle Volunteer of the Year

Field Notes, compiled by Jon Isacoff

Lighting up can be hard on birds and other wildlife, by Madonna Luers

Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamps

Spokane and Cheney Christmas Counts

2020 Field Trips During a Pandemic

The Pygmy Owl - October 2020

The Pygmy Owl - October 2020

October Program: Saltese Flats Wetlands Restoration - Restoring a Natural Landscape, by Nicki Feiten

Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge

Rare Birds and eBird, by Alan McCoy

Free-ranging Cats are Deadly to Birds and Other Wildlife, by Madonna Luers

Olive Opportunity, by Mary Jokela

Membership Report, by Alan McCoy

Field Notes, compiled by Jon Isacoff

Member Profiles: Fran Haywood, by Madonna Luers

Sandhill Cranes Fall Migration, by Madonna Luers

2020 Field Trips During a Pandemic

The Pygmy Owl - September 2020

The Pygmy Owl - September 2020

September Virtual Meeting Showcases Limited-Edition Calendar

Field Notes, compiled by Jon Isacoff

Save water! Go native with backyard wildlife plantings this fall, by Madonna Luers

Birding During (and Beyond) a Pandemic, by Alan McCoy

Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamps

Hope and a Red-winged Blackbird, by Tom Bancroft

Membership Report, by Alan McCoy

Field Trips During a Pandemic

The Pygmy Owl - June 2020

The Pygmy Owl - June 2020

Backyard Birding Through the Pandemic Stay-at-Home Time

Field Notes, compiled by Jon Isacoff

EGG!, by Mary Jokela

Board Profiles: Madonna Luers, by Madonna Luers

Wrens are some of the most fascinating birds to visit your yard, by Madonna Luers

Membership Report, by Alan McCoy

Olives…and Migrating Birds, by Mary Jokela

2020 Field Trips at a Glance - Carpooloing on field trips limited with coronavirus prevention