Why Join Spokane Audubon Society?
Here are a few reasons….
You'll get a cool sticker
You'll support our Save-A-Bird team of volunteers who help get injured birds to wildlife rehabilitators
You'll meet like minded people who share your love for birds
You'll help protect and restore local bird habitat
You'll support environmental education for adults and children
You'll get discounts at local businesses
You'll be connected to a group that contributes to our community's greater good
And most importantly, you’ll help us accomplish our mission
Spokane Audubon Society Advocates For Birds And Their Habitats In The Inland Northwest And Connects People With Nature.
We also encourage you to join National Audubon Society
to support birds and their habitats nationwide
With your National Audubon Society Membership you will receive:
A 1-year subscription to Audubon magazine
Timely, relevant news about birds, their habitats, and issues affecting them
Advocacy opportunities that protect birds
Special offers and discounts available only to National Audubon members