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Beginning Bird Watching Class

  • Spokane Audubon Society (map)

Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge
Saturday March 25, 2023, 10 am – 12 noon

How do I identify a bird? What do I look for? Why can't I see well through binoculars? We will help answer these questions in this introductory bird class/walk. We will start out in the comfort of the classroom, learning identification "tools" and viewing photos, then we will head outside for a walk on a Turnbull Trail to practice what we learned. The focus will be on learning strategies for identification, not on quantity of bird species. There will be opportunities to learn about the refuge as well and the work it is doing to benefit wildlife.

What to bring: Bring water and appropriate clothing, binoculars if you have them, a limited number will be available for loan during the class.

Class limited to 15 participants

Leaders: Wanda Peters, Spokane Audubon and Lorna Kropp, Friends of Turnbull NWR

Sign up by March 23 via email, or by going to the Friends of Turnbull website.

Additional classes/hikes/programs are planned for April - June, 2023.

For questions call or text Wanda at (425) 922-6734.