The Pygmy Owl - November 2022 — Spokane Audubon Society

The Pygmy Owl - November 2022

Save-A-Bird Team: Report on Helping Injured Birds, by Bea Harrison

Membership Report, by Alan McCoy

Should Audubon Change its Name?, by Madonna Luers

Field Notes, compiled by Jon Isacoff

Cheney Wetland Field Trip, October 15, 2022, by Alan McCoy

Keep those winter feeders disease-free, by Madonna Luers

Watch Out!, by Peter Hardt (photos by Carlene Hardt)

Hybrid Presentation Protocol

Lindell has retired; we need a new treasurer!

2023 Spokane Audubon Society Calendar is Available!

Inside the Data Factory, by National Audubon Society

Killdeer, American Bird Conservancy Bird of the Week
