The Pygmy Owl - December 2023 — Spokane Audubon Society

The Pygmy Owl - December 2023

Table of Contents

North Central Washington Audubon’s American Kestrel Nest Box Monitoring Program, presented by Kent Woodruff, Richard Scranton, and Stu Smith

Storage Space Needed, by Alan McCoy

American Ornithological Society will change English common names of some birds, from AOS Nov. 1, 2023 news release

Bird Watchers Meetup Group, by Alan McCoy

Field Notes, by Jon Isacoff

Gifts for Bird Lovers, by Shenandoah Marr

Skagit County Bird Trip 2023, by Jim & Bea Harrison

Klamath Bird Observatory (Oregon) tracks the first Western Purple Martin with GPS tag technology, by Sarah Rockwell

Winter Bird Feeding Fuels Us More, by Madonna Luers

Expo ‘74: 50th Anniversary Celebration, by Alan McCoy
