The Pygmy Owl - April 2018 — Spokane Audubon Society

The Pygmy Owl - April 2018

Program: Wild-eyed and Bushy Taled by Lisa Langelier; Membership Report by Dave Plemons; Sagebrush Songbird Survey by Lindell Haggin; Field Notes, by Jon Isacoff; Wenas Audubon Campout; Big Day/Big Sit April 21-28; 2019 Spokane Audubon Calendar Photograph Contest Guidelines; Turnbull NWR/Cheney Mayfest May 12, 2018; Reardan's Audubon Lake - A Rich Refuge for Birds by Catherine Henze; Slurping by Tom Bancroft; Sage Thrasher by Lindell Haggin; Upcoming Field Trips
