The Pygmy Owl — Spokane Audubon Society


The Pygmy Owl - October 2018

Program: Fire Ecology of Inland NW Forests presented by Art Zack; Membership Report by Dave Plemons; Pygmy Owl Preference by Mary Jokela; Field Notes by Jon Isacoff; The Wings of a Turkey Vulture by Kim Thorburn; White-crowned Sparrow by Jan Reynolds; Lincoln’s Sparrow by Tom Bancroft; Celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week; Fall Activities at Turnbull NWR; Spokane Audubon T-shirts.

The Pygmy Owl - September 2018

Program: Toxics in the Spokane River by Lee First; Membership Report by Dave Plemons; Toxic Talks and Tours; Field Notes, by Jon Isacoff; Hawk Fest 2018; Spokane Audubon Calendars; Robin Nests - Here, There, Everywhere; Best Birds of the Summer by Joyce Alonso; The Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse is Up-listed by Kim Thorburn; Bluebirds Back Home - Nesting 2018 by Alan McCoy; Upcoming Field Trips; Field Trip Leaders Needed.