Nesting Osprey

After a busy day's work on April 17th I drove out to nearby Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge to clear my mind and look for some interesting birds to photograph. I started down the Columbia Plateau Trail that crosses the Refuge and noticed a nearby Osprey.  I got some nice photographs as she few off the nest - agitated when a Bald Eagle flew close by - and then returned.

Her nearby mate had joined in the Bald Eagle chase but came back with a fish that he proceeded to eat while perched on a telephone pole. The female was calling out to him for nearly the entire time. 

Did you know that an Osprey is also called Sea Hawk, River Hawk, or Fish Hawk as it eats only fish? This raptor can dive as deep as three feet into the water for fish, but prefers to hunt in even shallower areas. It takes both birds 14 to 21 days to complete a new nest. They weigh 3 pounds and they often mate for life. Their typical lifespan is 7 to 10 years.

Carlene Hardt

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