April 2020 South Hill Backyard Birds — Spokane Audubon Society

April 2020 South Hill Backyard Birds

Canada Geese - Flyovers

Violet-Green Swallow – occasionally flying over our house (3-5 individuals)

Calliope Hummingbird – Just showed up for the first time this Spring a couple of days ago

Common Raven – several hanging out at the tops of our ponderosa pines or soaring above

American Crow – occasional large flocks that work their way through the neighborhood

American Robin – 8-10 mostly males hunting for worms and perching in our beauty bushes

Sandhill Crane – 8 flew over our house around the 5th of April

Turkey Vulture – one flying high over our house – likely orbiting out from the bluff

Cooper's Hawk – perched on our front power line about two weeks ago, then flew back through our back yard and disappeared

Merlin – likes to perch atop a ponderosa across the street from our house

Ruby-Crowned Kinglet – 4-6 mixed male female. Beautiful breeding colors on the males

House Sparrow – one or two have shown up at our feeders in the last week. Grr….

White-Crowned Sparrow – Last year we had a very large flock of them – this year we’ve only seen one as of about a week ago

Song Sparrow – 6 that have been with us for a couple of years

Mountain Chickadee – four or more visit the feeders multiple times per day. Two pairs have started to nest in our birdhouses

Black-Capped Chickadee – small flock shows up several times a day at our feeders.

American Goldfinch – we were wondering where they were for the first half of April and suddenly they showed up en masse. We’ve got anywhere from 10 to 15 that have been mobbing the feeders and singing their beautiful songs

House Finch – Every day visitors. Males and females. Ranging from 4 to as many as 12 or 15 at a time

Cassin’s Finch – Just showed up a couple of days ago. Only female so far, but have been hearing about a male in the neighborhood.

Downy Woodpecker – pretty rare thus far in April, but we do see a male and occasionally a Female

Northern Flicker – Also rare these days, but we definitely get them every few days. Usually heard more than seen.

California Quail – breeding pair seems to be nesting along our back yard fence.

Red-Breasted Nuthatch – Visits our feeders nearly daily

Pygmy Nuthatch – heard high up in the ponderosas – occasionally visits our feeders

White Breasted Nuthatch – Very seldom visitor, but we do occasionally find one scaling the bases of the ponderosa pines

Dark-Eyed Junco – 10 to 15 individuals that roam through the neighborhood. Usually seen on the ground below our feeders or perched in some of the thicker beauty bushes.

Varied Thrush – This was a fun visitor we had up until a couple of weeks ago. Spent a good month with us in our back yard. Lovely sound to wake up to!

Spotted Towhee – Was in our backyard for about a week or so at the beginning of April.

Ring-Billed Gull - Flyovers


Don and Theo Goodwin
