Greenbluff Observations — Spokane Audubon Society

Greenbluff Observations

Here's what I'm seeing the last few days (4/15-19) up here on Greenbluff:

-One lone male black-chinned hummingbird using recently placed nectar feeders

-At least a dozen tree swallows fighting over rights to a nestbox hung in a tree near garden

-A western bluebird pair taking up housekeeping in a nestbox placed on pasture fence post (and a couple of other pairs on neighbors' property where we placed nestboxes for them last year)

- Pygmy, red-breasted and white-breasted nuthatches finishing off the last of suet cakes in cage feeders

- American goldfinches finishing off the last of thistle feed in feeders

- Spotted towhees scratching up the ground below where sunflower seed feeders were set up until recently (end of season when we feed)

-Red-tailed hawk soaring and hunting overhead (for what we suspect might be either mate and/or hatchlings in nest near top of Ponderosa pine 

- Killdeer on ag fields along our road

- Pair of western kingbirds hunting insects in ag fields along our road

-Pair of mergansers, mallards and Canada geese on small pond along our road

 -- Madonna Luers
