Deer Park Birds — Spokane Audubon Society

Deer Park Birds

My Deer Park yard isn’t super birdy, but I have had a few interesting sightings.

On Sunday, 4/26, there was a pair of Cassin’s Finches at my feeder along with American Goldfinches and House Finches. Six Violet-green Swallows swooped over my house, which is quite unusual considering that it is basically Ponderosa Pine forest. I’ve had a few Calliope Hummingbirds at my feeders but no Rufous or Black-chinned yet. Red-breasted Nuthatches are busy making nests in multiple snags, and American Robins are also nesting. There is a pair of Great-horned Owls that must be nesting nearby as I was able to hear them hooting back and forth and then see them both. And it’s nice to be able to see three or four Mourning Doves on a regular basis (and no Eurasian Collared-Doves).

Jenny Michaels

Calliope Hummingbird (male)

Calliope Hummingbird (male)
