South Hill Birds, May 2020 — Spokane Audubon Society

South Hill Birds, May 2020

Besides our usual daily visitors (robins, house finches, black-capped and mountain chickadees, song sparrows, quail, pygmy and red-breasted nuthatches, yellow warblers, calliope hummingbird, and american goldfinches), we had the following visitors during the last month:

Brewer's Blackbirds - 3 of them daily from April 29 till about May 5

Great Blue Heron - Flyover on May 4

Yellow-Rumped Warbler - starting on May 4

Mallard - Flyover on May 1

Pacific Slope Flycatcher - May 8

Common Raven - May 8, May 14

Osprey - Flyover on May 8

Bald Eagle (adult) - Flyover on May 14

House Sparrow (mating pair) - May 15

White-breasted Nuthatch - May 15

Hermit Thrush - May 20

Don and Theo Goodwin
