Greenbluff Observations for May 1-6 — Spokane Audubon Society

Greenbluff Observations for May 1-6

This month so far (May 1-6) we've seen around our home on Greenbluff:

Lazuli bunting, male in showy breeding plumage, here one day and gone the next

Black-chinned, Rufous and Calliope hummingbirds, at least a dozen total regularly feeding and fighting at four nectar feeders that we clean and re-fill every other day while waiting for coral bells, bee balm, trumpet honeysuckle, columbine and other natural food sources to bloom

Tree swallow pairs taking up residence in at least two of eight nestboxes, including one that a western bluebird pair had started using last month

Cooper's hawk landed on birdbath near where seed feeders used to attract the usual crowd of house finches, goldfinches, black-capped and mountain chickadees, juncos and quail (we feed October through mid-April), looking around at the nectar feeders suddenly vacant of hummingbirds as if it was thinking "Where are all those meal-sized birds? These hummers are just appetizers!"

 White-crowned sparrows and Spotted towhees scratching around, especially near lawn patches under restoration with recent over-seeding

 Light blue egg shells on ground in a few places here and along our walk route that might be American robin

 Mallard hen with at least seven ducklings and three drakes (?!) on small pond down the road 

 -- Madonna Luers 
