The Pygmy Owl - April 2020 — Spokane Audubon Society

The Pygmy Owl - April 2020

April Program Cancelled: Much Ado About Mothing, by Carl Barrentine

Membership Report, by Alan McCoy

Field Notes, compiled by Jon Isacoff

Spokane Audubon Calendar Photograph Contest Guidelines

Board Profiles: Mary Jokela, by Madonna Luers

Birding is the Perfect Activity While Practicing Social Distancing, by Andy McGlashen

Pacific Flyway - Waterbird Migration from the Arctic to Tierra del Fuego, Book Review by Madonna Luers

Safe Passage 97: Reducing vehicle-wildlife collisions

Not So Mundane, by Thomas Bancroft

2020 Field Trips at a Glance - Guidelines for Birding During the COVID-19 Pandemic
